Chip 2002 October
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346 lines
61254 Detaily
61255 Could not load '%s' library
61256 File specified is not an executable file, dynamic-link library, or icon file
61257 Function not yet implemented
61258 Previous Month|
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61260 Next Month|
61261 Next Year|
61262 Select a Date
61263 Vaechny soubory (*.*)|*.*
61264 ProhlΘdnout
65200 Special
65201 Resource
65202 Hodnoty
65203 Company Name
65204 Popis souboru
65205 Verze souboru
65206 Internal Name
65207 Legal Copyright
65208 Legal Trademarks
65209 Original Filename
65210 JmΘno produktu
65211 Verze produktu
65213 Build Flags
65216 Connection refused.
65217 Too many levels of symbolic links.
65218 File name too long.
65219 Host is down.
65220 No route to host.
65221 Directory not empty
65222 Winsock stack
65223 Cannot change the size of a JPEG image
65224 JPEG error #%d
65225 JPEG Image File
65226 Application restart required. Do you want to do it now?
65227 Debug
65228 Info Inferred
65229 Patched
65230 Pre-Release
65231 Private
65232 Operation not supported on socket.
65233 Protocol family not supported.
65234 Address family not supported by protocol family.
65235 Address already in use.
65236 Cannot assign requested address.
65237 Network is down.
65238 Network is unreachable.
65239 Net dropped connection or reset.
65240 Software caused connection abort.
65241 Connection reset by peer.
65242 No buffer space available.
65243 Socket is already connected.
65244 Socket is not connected.
65245 Cannot send or receive after socket is closed.
65246 Too many references, cannot splice.
65247 Connection timed out.
65248 Interrupted system call.
65249 Bad file number.
65250 PYφstup zamφtnut.
65251 Chybn² adresa.
65252 Invalid argument.
65253 Too many open files.
65254 Operation would block.
65255 Operation now in progress.
65256 Operation already in progress.
65257 Socket operation on non-socket.
65258 Destination address required.
65259 Message too long.
65260 Protocol wrong type for socket.
65261 Bad protocol option.
65262 Protocol not supported.
65263 Socket type not supported.
65264 adressess that begins with...
65265 An error occured while running scheduled project.
65266 Do you want to relink files too? (it may take several minutes)
65267 This is Hnet Info Download servers info report.
65268 Report created:
65269 This project have been never run.
65270 Projekt byl naposledy spustn
65271 OLE error %.8x
65272 Method '%s' not supported by automation object
65273 Variant does not reference an automation object
65274 Winsock Initialization Error.
65275 %s could not be loaded.
65276 Set Size Exceeded.
65277 Only one TIdAntiFreeze can exist per application.
65278 %s is not a valid service.
65279 Socket Error # %d\n%s
65280 Skenovßnφ
65281 Stahovßnφ..
65282 Idle
65283 Ready
65284 Done
65285 Paused
65286 Busy - it can take a while
65287 Stopping
65288 Aborting
65289 Relinking retrieved files ....
65290 Updating file ...
65291 Retrieving file ...
65292 Disable adress
65293 Enable adress
65294 Do you wish to delete all saved project files too?
65295 adressess that begins with
65296 Failed to get object at index %d
65297 Failed to set tab "%s" at index %d
65298 Failed to set object at index %d
65299 MultiLine must be True when TabPosition is tpLeft or tpRight
65300 Invalid index
65301 Unable to insert an item
65302 Invalid owner
65303 %d is an invalid PageIndex value. PageIndex must be between 0 and %d
65304 Toto je apatn² Hnet Info Download projekt soubor
65305 Save changes to
65306 Neplatn² Url
65307 You must enter a valid starting address to continue
65308 Please enter an integer between 0 and 59
65309 Nastartovßn
65310 Please enter a positive integer
65311 Souboro
65312 Default
65313 Text exceeds memo capacity
65314 Unable to write to %s
65315 Bits index out of range
65316 Invalid data type for '%s'
65317 Failed to set data for '%s'
65318 Failed to get data for '%s'
65319 Menu '%s' is already being used by another form
65320 Docked control must have a name
65321 Error removing control from dock tree
65322 - Dock zone not found
65323 - Dock zone has no control
65324 List does not allow duplicates ($0%x)
65325 Failed to clear tab control
65326 Failed to delete tab at index %d
65327 Failed to retrieve tab at index %d
65328 Left
65329 Up
65330 Right
65331 Down
65332 Ins
65333 Del
65334 Shift+
65335 Ctrl+
65336 Alt+
65337 Hodnota musφ b²t mezi %d a %d
65338 NeplatnΘ jmΘno souboru - %s
65339 Nelze vlo~it Yßdku
65340 Nelze vytvoYit adresßY
65341 Chybn² formßt pro schrßnku
65342 Schrßnka nepodporuje ikony
65343 Cannot open clipboard
65344 &Pomoc
65345 &Zruait
65346 &Obnovit
65347 &Ignorovat
65348 &Vae
65349 &Ne pro vae
65350 Yes to &All
65351 BkSp
65352 Tab
65353 Esc
65354 Enter
65355 Space
65356 PgUp
65357 PgDn
65358 End
65359 Home
65360 PYφlia mnoho Yßdek nebo sloupco je ruaeno
65361 Index mYφ~ky je mimo rozsah
65362 Velikost pevnΘho sloupce musφ b²t menaφ ne~ velikost sloupce
65363 Velikost pevnΘho Yßdku musφ b²t menaφ ne~ velikost Yßdku
65364 Nelze vlo~it nebo mazat Yßdky v mYφ~ce
65365 Neplatnß hodnota property
65366 Neplatnß vstupnφ hodnota
65367 Neplatnß vstupnφ hodnota. Pou~ijte escape klßvesu pro zruaenφ zmn
65368 Varovßnφ
65369 Chyba
65370 Informace
65371 Potvrzenφ
65372 &Ano
65373 &Ne
65374 OK
65375 Storno
65376 OK
65377 Storno
65378 &Ano
65379 &Ne
65380 &Pomoc
65381 &ZavYφt
65382 &Ignorovat
65383 &Obnovit
65384 Zruait
65385 &Vae
65386 Nelze pYesunout formulßY
65387 Metafiles
65388 ZvtaenΘ Metafiles
65389 Ikony
65390 Bitmapy
65391 MYφ~ka je pYφlia velkß pro operaci
65392 Ne·span² zßpis dat ImageList do proudu
65393 Chyba tvorby kontextu okennφho zaYφzenφ
65394 Chyba tvorby okennφ tYφdy
65395 Nelze zaostYit zakßzanΘ nebo neviditelnΘ okno
65396 Ovlada '%s' nemß rodiovskΘ okno
65397 Nelze schovat MDI Child formulßY
65398 Nelze zmnit Visible v OnShow nebo OnHide
65399 Nelze vytvoYit viditelnΘ okno
65400 %s property je mimo rozsah
65401 Menu index je mimo rozsah
65402 Menu je vlo~eno dvakrßt
65403 Sub-menu nenφ v menu
65404 Nedostatek dostupnΘ pamti
65405 GroupIndex nemo~e b²t menaφ ne~ pYedchozφ menu polo~ka GroupIndex
65406 Nelze vytvoYit formulßY. MDI formulßYe jsou prßv neaktivnφ
65407 Ovlada nemo~e mφt sebe sama jako rodie
65408 Error reading %s%s%s: %s
65409 PYedek '%s' nebyl nalezen
65410 Bitmap obrßzek je neplatn²
65411 Obrßzek ikony je neplatn²
65412 Metafile je neplatn²
65413 Neplatn² pixel formßt
65414 Index prohlφ~enΘ Yßdky je mimo rozsah
65415 Nelze zmnit velikost ikony
65416 Nepodporovan² formßt schrßnky
65417 Mimo systΘmovΘ zdroje
65418 Plßtno nepovoluje kresbu
65419 Chybnß velikost obrßzku
65420 Neplatn² ImageList
65421 Nelze zamnit obrßzek
65422 Neplatn² index ImageList
65423 Ne·spanΘ tenφ dat ImageList z proudu
65424 Neplatn² formßt proudu
65425 Resource %s nebyl nalezen
65426 Index seznamu je mimo hranice (%d)
65427 Kapacita seznamu je mimo hranice (%d)
65428 Velikost seznamu je mimo hranice (%d)
65429 Operace nenφ povolena na tYφdnΘm seznamu Yetzco
65430 Seznam Yetzco nepovoluje duplicity
65431 Tab position incompatible with current tab style
65432 Tab style incompatible with current tab position
65433 Komponenta jmΘna %s ji~ existuje
65434 ''%s'' nenφ platnΘ jmΘno komponenty
65435 TYφda jmΘna %s ji~ existuje
65436 Neplatnß hodnota property
65437 Neplatnß cesta property
65438 Property neexistuje
65439 Property je pouze pro tenφ
65440 So
65441 Nedle
65442 Pondlφ
65443 ┌ter²
65444 StYeda
65445 tvrtek
65446 Pßtek
65447 Sobota
65448 Nelze pYiYadit %s k %s
65449 Nelze vytvoYit soubor %s
65450 Nelze otevYφt soubor %s
65451 Chyba tenφ proudu
65452 Chyba zßpisu proudu
65453 PYeteenφ pamti pYi rozaiYovßnφ pameovΘho proudu
65454 Nelze zapsat read-only resource proud
65455 TYφda %s nebyla nalezena
65456 BYezen
65457 Duben
65458 Kv
65459 erven
65460 ervenec
65461 Srpen
65462 ZßYφ
65463 Xφjen
65464 Listopad
65465 Prosinec
65466 Ne
65467 Po
65468 ┌t
65469 St
65470 t
65471 Pß
65472 Chyba Win32. K≤d: %d.\n%s
65473 Porucha innosti Win32 API
65474 Led
65475 ┌no
65476 BYe
65477 Dub
65478 Kv
65479 er
65480 ec
65481 Srp
65482 ZßY
65483 Xφj
65484 Lis
65485 Pro
65486 Leden
65487 ┌nor
65488 Nenφ argument pro formßt '%s'
65489 Neplatnß konverze variant typu
65490 Neplatnß operace variantu
65491 Volßnφ metody variant nenφ podporovßno
65492 tenφ
65493 Zßpis
65494 Chyba tvorby pole variant
65495 Variant nenφ pole
65496 Index pole variant je mimo hranice
65497 Vnjaφ v²jimka %x
65498 Neplatn² v²rok
65499 Rozhranφ nenφ podporovßno
65500 Exception in safecall method
65501 %s (%s, Yßdek %d)
65502 Abstraktnφ chyba
65503 Porucha pYφstupu na adrese %p v modulu '%s'. %s adresy %p
65504 Dlenφ nulou
65505 Chyba pYekroenφ rozsahu
65506 PYeteenφ integer
65507 Neplatnß floating point operace
65508 Floating point dlenφ nulou
65509 Floating point pYeteenφ
65510 Floating point podteenφ
65511 Neplatnß pointer operace
65512 NeplatnΘ pYetypovßnφ tYφdy
65513 Porucha pYφstupu na adrese %p. %s adresy %p
65514 PYeteenφ zßsobnφku
65515 Stisknte Control+C
65516 Privilegovanß instrukce
65517 V²jimka %s v modulu %s na %p.\n%s%s
65518 Chyba aplikace
65519 Formßt '%s' je neplatn² nebo nekompatibilnφ s argumentem
65520 '%s' nenφ platnß integer hodnota
65521 '%s' nenφ platnß floating point hodnota
65522 '%s' nenφ platnΘ datum
65523 '%s' nenφ platn² as
65524 '%s' nenφ platn² datum a as
65525 Neplatn² argument pro k≤dovßnφ asu
65526 Neplatn² argument pro k≤dovßnφ datumu
65527 Mimo pame
65528 I/O chyba %d
65529 Soubor nebyl nalezen
65530 ChybnΘ jmΘno souboru
65531 PYφlia mnoho otevYen²ch souboro
65532 Zakßzan² pYφstup k souboru
65533 tenφ na konci souboru
65534 Pln² disk
65535 Chybn² φseln² vstup